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CDM 322


Task 1.1

Analyse key concepts, tools and processes in digital moving image production and post production across a range of digital media formats and destinations.

Apple -
Purple Iphone 12


In this advert made by Apple it shows different shots with a variety of focal lengths from wide Angle shots at the end and telephoto shots throughout the highlight the product and the apple logo. The aperture is set to a large F stop at the start of the advert to display the colour of purple with the liquids covering the phone. Towards the end at 00:22 they use an F stop number of between 1.4 and 4. The shutter speed has been set to higher than usual due to the use of slow motion shots throguhout the advert displaying the product. All the shots are sharp and crisp and not showing movement blur. They used a low ISO to keep the picture looking crisp and clear. To keep enough light coming into the camera they have used studio lights on black backdrops. The music of the advert is very effective showing the new product as they are advertising a new colour. "The candy man" is the piece of music used in the advert which was used in the film "Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory" which is used to show colour, this makes the viewer watching the advert think back to when they watched the film. This means the expression of colour throughout links to the music. Overall the advert is very effective as it is 29.5 seconds long and the music is catchy. 


Adobe photoshop have created an advert which shows the creative aspects of there services on photoshop, which is one part of their creative suite of programs. The use of a title at the start saying what the is the product is a great feature of the advert because it shows what product they are using. It says the brand and service which gives the user an idea about how the product can work. At the start they use a low F stop OF 4 as it shows the main person in focus and slightly blurs the backgrounds. Towards the end of the scene they use a wider aperture of between 10 and 20 as most of the shot is in focus. The use of lighting is important in this advert because of the visual effects added in post production. There is lots of animation and graphic design throughout the advert so making sure the space is shadowless is important while on the "metro". When the advert is coming to an end they show the animations with shadows added in post production. In this scene they have less control over the light due to it being outside. However they may have used a creative choice and filmed the subjects inside and used a green screen studio and used tools called keying while in post production editing. The ISO is kept low throughout the keep a clean shot and to reduce noise. They have used a shutter speed of 1/48 as it was filmed in the USA. There is no slow motion in the advert so they can use a lower shutter speed. However they might of used a creative choice of a higher shutter speed to present the shots as cleaner. Overall the advert was very effective as it displays all of the skills you can do in the adobe suite and especially photoshop. The use of colour and lots of animation creates a vibrant advert which is energetic and eye catching. 

Famous Orders -

The advert from McDonalds is extremely effective on displaying the message they wanted to put across. The message of the advert is what different people would order and every one of them is different. In the advert they use a higher aperture than usual however there is still a level of background blur so the it would of been between 4 and 6. They use a wide range of studio lighting to keep the shot well lit throughout the advert on the overhead shot. The lighting is soft and shadowless so it would of been placed next to the camera above the shot. There is only 1 shot in the advert where they use a different arrangement of lighting, where the Dracula orders, Here they use shadows to create a creeping effect of a hand reaching for ketchup which is effective as it symbolises the character. The ISO in the advert is kept at a low level to keep the picture looking crisp and clean on the product. In this advert it would have been between 100 and 200. The shutter speed would have been set to 1/48 in the advert as the standard in the USA as it is clean with no slow-motion shots. Overall the message is very clear throughout the advert that everyone likes something different and its ok to make your own. The advert is short and simple and you will remember different aspects of the advert because of the titles. 

Velocity Black

I think this advert made by velocity black is a really great design! They use the theme of black and white throughout the advert. Using repeated sections of clips over and over again with slight changes and titles which stand out in bold text. They use still images to show the story line of a luxury lifestyle which is what their app is selling. Most of the images used in the advert have a low aperture of between 1.4 and 4 because of the blurred background. The ISO of the photos are mixed with the majority using low ISO's as they have a clean and crisp look. However there are some shots that use a higher ISO to give the photo more noise which has been used as a creative choice. They use a high shutter speed to show the action of movement. The shutter speed in some of the shots would be between 1/100 and 1/250. 


Apple Watch Series 2

The apple advert for the Apple Watch series 2 from 2016 is very effective to show what is new compared to the first series. The advert is very clean and crisp however during the upload it lost quality. In the original advert the ISO would have been 100-200. The shutter speed would of been set to a high shutter speed as they use slow-motion shots. Using a higher shutter speed allows this to look cleaner. the shutter speed would of been between 1/120-1/240. The advert is effective to show its message about the new product as it displays the new features of fitness. The exercise part of the advert displays a feature of the Apple Watch of new tracking features. Overall the message is delivered successfully about the product showing a short and simple advert.  


Research and development 


In a pair I have created photos and videos using lighting techniques to advertise products. I used a series of colours to to present cameras from different angels. Using a range of focal lengths presents the products also from angles. The 3rd shot we used the table as a stabiliser to create the effect of being on a tripod to allow the light to shine on the table. We used the settings of ISO 500 which creates a slight grit effect however still making the picture looking clean, we used a higher ISO than usual to let enough light into the camera. We used a shutter speed of 1/100 to make sure the will be no blur of the picture due to hand shaking. We also used a low aperture to create he background blur effect which makes the product the main focus of the piece. We used produced 2 videos unedited using RAW footage. For this we used 1/50 shutter speed. This is so the fps is 25fps rather than 24fps which is the USA standard. 

Shooting Schedule

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Shoot Recce

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Shot List

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Equipment List

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Legal and ethical

OFCOM - The Regulator of communication services in the UK that the public rely on every day.


They regulate services online through broadband and TV and postal services run by royal mail. Any complaints across these boards are directed to OFCOM. They have a duty of care to protect the general public from harmful and offensive content published. However they do not provide services to do with contracts with companies to do with mobile phone contracts or broadbands and are not responsible for TV advertising as this is provided by ASA and CAP. They are also not responsible for what people post on social media, this should be reported directly to companies. Across all platforms they make sure people are being equal such as not discriminating against anyone and making sure stereotypes are not being used. They look at language and terminology used online as they get reports from the public; however they can only take action with significant evidence, however freedom of speech is one of the most important parts of OFCOM and to make sure every voice is heard, especially with complaints about communication services on TV and Radio. They also make sure that what people are saying is true, if they receive a complaint about a program or advert that is false they have the right to remove it as it may harm another companies product or services, However if it has been posted on a private companies site such as instagram or youtube you must report it to the companies rather than OFCOM, this is because these companies are international corporations.


ASA and CAP - Advertising Standards Authority and Committees of Advertising Practice


The purpose of the ASA is to regulate advertising across all media in the UK and its ambition is to make every advert responsible. They want to ensure responsible adverts are food for people and society as well as advertisers. All non broadcast advertising must comply with the ‘CAP Code’ and all broadcast advertising must comply with the ‘BCAP Code’. The CAP code itself is a set of rules advertisements must follow and is enforced by the ASA.The Codes require advertisements across media to be legal, decent, honest and truthful, promoting consumer trust in advertising and maintaining fair competition between businesses. In terms of Defamation, the ASA and CAP ensures that there is no false information that may mislead customers with false information such as recent environmental claims. The CAP code dictates how the adverts show and promote their products. The Cap code ensures marketing communications don’t contain anything that is likely to cause serious or  widespread offence. Particular care is taken to avoid causing offence on the grounds of: age; disability; gender; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex; and sexual orientation. Compliance is judged on the context, medium, audience, product and prevailing standards. The advert also must be suitable for the target audience. This includes the language and imagery shown in the advertisement.


Copyright is a way of protecting a person's intellectual property and gives them exclusive rights to make copies of their creative work usually for a limited time, it restricts others from reproducing or copying someone's work without permission. In our work to respect the copyright of other people's work, we will ensure to use non-copyrighted music which can be obtained from places such as Youtube Audio Studio. We will also ensure that when we use the company's logo in our project we have full permission from ‘ThatCopyShop’ and we won’t infringe on any copyright they may have. If we were to receive a complaint that we had someone's copyrighted property, first we would check the validity of the claim made. If the claim is false, we would contest it through the correct routes. If the claim lies within a grey area of the law of under fair use, we will make sure to highlight this to those making the complaint, and solve it between us. This may result in us having to remove and replace the part from the video. Although we  tried to make sure not to infringe if we were to outright infringe on someone's copyrighted property, we would immediately take down the video and correct it by removing all that was copyrighted.



In Production

RAW Footage

This piece of raw footage was taken by a drone on Clevedon Seafront. We decided to use the sport mode setting on the DJI Mavic Mini so we can get a higher speed with the drone. In editing we are going to brighten the shot up. This was my favourite shot to shoot.

This piece of raw footage was taken by a drone on Clevedon Seafront. We decided to use the cinematic mode setting on the DJI Mavic Mini so we can get a slower speed with the drone. We are going to use this shot but we will speed it up and cut it because of the ending. This is one of my favourite shots we took as everyone loved how the drone worked. 

This is some of the footage we took from inside of the shop. We took a number of shots from inside to complete a montage in our adverts. This shot shows the entrance to the design suite of the shop where we filmed some of the artwork and parts of the acting storyboard.

This was one of our shots we took a lot of time setting up and studying. We used all of our lights and everyone was involved in this scene because there was a lot to do. We think the shot turn out great however we don't like the focus on the SD card at the end.


This was our first shot of the day using the stabiliser. We used it in briefcase so we could get ultra low shots while walking. This creates and focus's the shot only on the feet and legs. With the reflector we crated amazing lighting effects on the feet without the use of artificial light. 

We used a 2nd angle to the footage above to give it another perspective as the sandwich board was in the shot. This is a great panning shot showing Ria waling into the shop. We can see the shop and the sign above the door which is made out of plants.

BEHINd the Scenes

TCS Logo.png

Throughout the day we gathered shots of us working behind the scenes within the studio and at the beach. We dedicated Max and Ria for the BTS shots as well as myself to capture some arial shots. 


As a group we were very pleased when we discovered that the shop had posted about us being there but it had also been reposted onto the college instagram and facebook page! This was great as we felt like we had achieved big!

We all took turns using the camera with the stablizer throughout the day however we all had roles between us that we focused on. Me and Robbie completed drone and camera work while Raqiya did lights and Ria and Max did BTS. 


Footage Logging

Post Production

Before we start the editing process we are organising our footage to make it easier during the editing process. I have separate the files into 4 categories - BTS, Green, Orange and Red which shows what footage is usable or not. In the green folder I have split the usable footage into 4 folders on where it could be based on my story board. The scripted folder contains all the shots where we got either the staff or Ria to act in. We planned these shots ahead of time and they took the most time to perfect. The other folders are shots that are unscripted but In different locations.

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Post production Editing

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Here are my timelines for my projects on Final Cut Pro. On the top is my social media advert which lasts for 10 seconds while the one below is my advert for television which lasts for 30 seconds. 

In Final Cut Pro I colour corrected a number of shots to make them look more natural. For example in the shot

of Tom working I changed the

highlights and midtowns to include a green tint with the shadows adding a blue tint. Brightening the highlights and darkening the shadows allows the focus to have more effect when it changes 

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I found these 2 pieces of music on the copyright free drive of YouTube studio. These pieces are disrupted as upbeat and are perfect for adverts because of the timings. The are created by the producer Ofshane. 

TCS Logo.png
TCS Logo White Out.png
Elephant White.png
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I used speed ramping on some of the the footage I used in the advert for both the social media advert and the advert for television. For the opening clip I reversed the drone shot so it is coming down on Ria and not zooming out. Also speeding the clip up at 400% meaning it is 4 times faster gives it the effect in time with the music. 

Throughout both of my adverts I used many transitions. Shown on the right is a directional blur while in my socail media advert I used a panning and zoom transition. I used the pre set transitions to create these effects whole changing the footage.

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Final Product


Above I have created 2 adverts for thatcopyshop, a printing shop based in Clevedon. I feel this project has gone extremely well over the past month. In this time we have researched, planned, shot, edited and evaluated. As a team we planned the project in detail to cover all eventualities on the day of shooting. The team learnt how to use specialised equipment we borrowed from our college to allow our shots to look professional and clean. We used a 3 axis gimbal to stabilise the camera, this was crucial for our shots of feet moving as we wouldn’t of been able to create a smooth effect otherwise. 


However with every project there are also issues. We were struggling to communicate to the client and the team to create a date where we could film due to other commitments outside of college hours. We decided we would take a small amount of time of our regular college day to allow us to film in Clevedon. This did allow us time on the shoot to get all the shots we needed for our storyboard. In the preproduction stage we also has issues with the location recce as we couldn’t visit the site before the day of the shoot. I contacted there owner of the shop and asked them to answer the required question about the shop such as toilet facilities and fire exits. For our shots on the beach I could fill in the recce as I lived in Clevedon for over 10 years and knew the beach well. 


If we were to do this project again there would be a small number of features I would chose to change. For example, I would try and persuade the team to film on the Friday as it is our studio day. This is a day we could have taken advantage of to shoot however some members of the team were unavailable. If this was the case again I would try and achieve this date as it would have given us more time on the day of the shot instead of being tight on time. Another item I would of changed if I did the advert again is editing on premier pro. For this project I edited the adverts on Final Cut Pro X  instead of Adobe. Next time I am editing a project I am going to edit on premier pro so I am able to gain more experience and expend my skills. 


Action Plan

for future knowledge and skills development


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