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CAPA 380 

Script Breakdown

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Mara is 16 years old. When we open on Mara she has just finished school and is staying for after school work. Her hair is up in a bun with frizzy curly hair. Her hair is darker in colour and is natural. Her make up at the start is straight as she has just finished school however she does have some eyeliner on which is slightly noticeable. She is wearing light foundation however is very subtle. 

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Mara notices she has started bleeding out ion her nose. We plan to do this using make up and a line of blood falling from one of the nostrils. The blood is going to be presented in a very dark red. As well with the line of blood dripping we are also going to leave blood drops on the ground one using fake blood. 

We see the bleeding gets worse when the blood across mara's nose increases when we next cut to the camera in the bathroom of her face she now has blood all around her nose. The blood has been splattered across the nose and near the mouth.

As she starts frantically grabbing tissues blood drops onto the tissues from the nose. As we are doing a close up of her hand grabbing them we will be able to do droplets from above the camera while shooting. 

As she is cleaning up her nose we can see some of the blood coming through the tissue. We are going to make the blood easy to wipe off the face so she can see it through the tissues. The lines across the tissues are going to be smeared across as she wipes her nose. 

When she gets puled back she is going to hit the wall which is going to hurt her back so why is is stumbling as she gets up as she is in a lot of pain. Here we are going to make up makeup more smugged and her hair more messy to show Mara feelings. 

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She is stumbling out as she hits her head on the way out. For this we are going to sculpt a wound on her forehead and use makeup and fake blood

Her hands are going to be slightly red due to the fake blood we are using which will give the feeling she has wiped her hand on her head

Her hair is pulled up out of the bun and into a hand and dragged stretching it. 

The ghosts face is going to be blue frostbitten and bloody. The use of red whites blues and blacks will be perfect for the look

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The hand grabbing her by the neck is going to be frostbitten done using beauty makeup. Using black and blues to create the look. 

Mara is dragged along the coridoor while dead leaving a pool of fake blood behind and along the corridor in streak marks

sketches of makeup design plans

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Makeup Budget

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We poured (powder name here) into a plastic cup which would serve as our finger mould. We filled it enough up the cup to cover the finger once in.

Gather room temperature water of an equal ammonite in another larger cup. 

Pour and mix in slowly the powder into the water. Doing it slowly and not using a 
whisk action. 

Once mixed place a finger into the mix not touching the bottom and hold until set.

Once set remove the finger.

Gather enough gelatine to fill the now create mould and chop into small pieces into a silicone cup. 

Melt 5 seconds at a time until melted throughout. This shouldn't take longer than 15 seconds. 

Pour the melted gelatine into the mould quickly before it sets and wait for it to set. 

Once set break open the mould and gently remove it to reveal the now set moulded finger. 

We added some fake blood onto a bent back finger and the finger to make it look realistic as well as drying and painting the finger with the powder and makeup. To complete our picture we used a pair of broken scissors to make it look like they have chopped the finger off. 

Prosthetics techniques

We started casting by mixing cornflour and Vasiline protecting jelly to create a thick paste. This is the basis for the 3d texture of the wound. 

Once made apply on to the skin in a roll and spread it out. If too thick still and is struggling to stick add some more Vaseline

Create into a wounded 
shape on the body place we used the hand and arm. Form a wound using the tool which creates a gap for the cut. 

Add makeup around the wound and colour correct it to fit in with the skin tone by using different shades.

Once we added make up we added red paint inside the wound to create the blood effect and we also added some fake blood on the top to give it the shine of real blood. 

To add an extra effect we let the blood drip one side out of the wound to look like it has been pouring out.

Facial Hair

For facial hair the first step is gathering the size hair you require and straightening it out as it can be curled at times. 

Next step to applying facial hair is to cut the hair to the relevant size you require for the subject. 


Finally to attach the facial hair onto the skin use spirit gum and stick to the beard or moustache. For beards we used small sections of hair along the skin. 


To apply ageing makeup you must first apply beauty makeup.

To start apply a layer of primer to the face which will level out any 
imperfections within the face. 
Next add a layer of foundation to the face which will blend the level out the colour in the face.
Next add a layer of contour to create the no makeup look. This will remove the shine from the skin and on camera looks like they don't have any makeup on.

After creating the no makeup look you can add the ageing techniques, Get the subject to scrunch their face and notice the extra lines added for example on the forehead as well as on the nose and 

By adding extra detail with this with contour with a slightly darken version to create the thicker lines. 

Straight and beauty makeup

To start the beauty makeup apply a layer of primer to the face which will level out any imperfections within the face. 

Next add a layer of foundation to the face which will blend the level out the colour in the face.

Next add a layer of contour to create the no makeup look. This will remove the shine from the skin and on camera looks like they don't have any makeup on.

For beauty makeup there is a lot of layer you can add from eyeliner and eye shadow which enhances the eye look. However you can add lipstick which enhances the lips more. 

Final Products

responsibilities in relation to Health and Safety in the application of makeup

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Durning filming it is our responsibility to keep everyone safe while applying makeup onset. We will be making sure any member of the crew who is involved in the application of makeup knows the responsibliltties and any issues that could occur. 

In the event of an emergency we have put procedures in place. We will make clear to the crews the emergency exits when entering and let them know evacuation procedures. 

During the application of makeup we are going to make sure the room is well ventilated and there is no tripping hazards and it has suitable storage.

While using glues and solvents as well as paints make sure anyone with any allergies leaves the room as well as keeping the room very well ventilated. Anyone who is not sure if they have an allergy should do a patch test on their arm to test to see if they have a reaction to it. For the applicator we make sure they are wearing gloves and a mask if required to deal with the substances. 


makeup we are using in mara

In our Horror film "Mara" we used a series of different makeup techniques to help enhance the scene. Firstly we started with a no makeup look so mara's face was not so shiny when on camera. We used primer and a basic layer of foundation for the skin. Throughout the film we used different techniques adding one one at a time.


In the 2nd scene which is based within the library mara has a nosebleed which we create by using a syringe and fake blood. We insert a small amount of fake blood while she is leaning back. We clear the scene and as we call action mara leans forward and the fake blood rolls down her nose like having a nose bleed and dripping in her hands.


In scene 3 where she enters the bathroom we keep the blood on the nose by applying the blood with red contour. This makes the nose look like the nosebleed has stopped but the blood remains. When mara leaves the bathroom in a hurry she hits her head against the wall when going into the corridor. here we casted and moulded a wound onto her head using sculpting. We then used contour and concealer to make the mould match her skin tone. We used fake blood and contour to create the cut effect. 

In the final scene which is the corridor we see the ghost's arm in the camera while picking up her neck. In this we see the ghost's hand is frostbitten. We created this effect by using black facepaint on the arm using a combination of different colours to add small details in. We finished the look with the application of black false nails.

Final Edited Horor Film

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